KBOT virus takes out system files with no hope of recovery

Computer viruses and worms were once common but have now given way to more sophisticated and varied threats, including illicit cryptocurrency miners, Trojans, ransomware, and highly complex surveillance software designed to infiltrate mobile devices. However, sometimes there is a blast from the past — as in the recent case of KBOT, a new virus making […]

Data Breach

Data Breach – 250 Million Microsoft Customer Support Records Exposed Online

If you have ever contacted Microsoft for support in the past 14 years, your technical query, along with some personally identifiable information might have been compromised. Microsoft today admitted a security incident that exposed nearly 250 million “Customer Service and Support” (CSS) records on the Internet due to a misconfigured server containing logs of conversations […]

Citrix ADC patch

Citrix Releases Patches for Critical ADC Vulnerability Under Active Attack

Citrix has finally started rolling out security patches for a critical vulnerability in ADC and Gateway software that attackers started exploiting in the wild earlier this month after the company announced the existence of the issue without releasing any permanent fix. I wish I could say, “better late than never,” but since hackers don’t waste […]

Unpatched IE Browser Zero-Day That’s Under Active Attacks

Microsoft earlier today issued an emergency security advisory warning millions of Windows users of a new zero-day vulnerability in Internet Explorer (IE) browser that attackers are actively exploiting in the wild — and there is no patch yet available for it. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2020-0674 and rated moderated, is a remote code execution issue that exists […]

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